Учебная работа № /7772. «Реферат Экономика Великобритании на англ — The Leading Br. of Economy

Учебная работа № /7772. «Реферат Экономика Великобритании на англ — The Leading Br. of Economy

Количество страниц учебной работы: 26
From the History of the British Economy…………………..4
Banking and Finance…………………………………….8
The Trade of Great Britain…………………………………..13
House Building and Transport………………………………22
The Bibliography List…………………………………..26

Стоимость данной учебной работы: 390 руб.Учебная работа № /7772.  "Реферат Экономика Великобритании на англ - The Leading Br. of Economy
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    The total number
    of anti-dumping procedures imposed upon Russia has reached 41,More than a half
    of them (22) are qualified as openly discriminatory cases or unjustified claims
    by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations.

    In the summer of 1995 the
    first round of negotiations between the Russian delegation and the WTO’s
    Working Group on Russia took place in Geneva,Members of the Working Group
    apprised information on foreign trade regulations stated in the Russian
    Memorandum as exhaustive enough.

    An outcome of the second
    round taking place from December 4 to 7 of 1995 was the completion of
    discussion of the Russian Memorandum on the foreign trade regime as concerns
    trade in goods,Besides, the first discussion on special annexes to the
    Memorandum embracing protection of intellectual property rights, trade in
    services and trade-related investment measures was held,At the same time, the
    WTO member countries have reserved the right to revert to a detailed discussion
    on three key issues: if state-owned trade organizations exist in Russia (Moscow
    denies this); import licensing; subsidizing of external operations,However,
    even now they agree in principle that the Russian legislation is in accordance
    with the WTO’s rules and norms in these areas of the foreign trade regulation.

    There are no apparent
    opponents to Russia’s accession to the WTO, since the world trade, especially
    in the area of trade in raw materials, cannot be regulated without
    participation of Russia,However, the admission of Russia may be surrounded by
    a number of additional obligations not directly following from the WTO
    requirements,Bilateral consultations held in Geneva have shown that Russia
    will face some complications in the course of tariff negotiations.

    On the whole, the outcome
    of the second round of Geneva talks has been successful for Russia.

    2,Regulation of External Economic

    In 1995 certain changes
    were introduced to the mechanism of the state regulation of the foreign trade.
    In the first half of 1995 the state regulation of oil exports was substantially
    amended: quotas and licenses in oil exports were abolished alongside with
    preferences (with exclusion of supply pursuant to intergovernmental agreements)
    while export duties on oil and oil products were significantly reduced; certain
    oil products were excluded from the list of strategically important
    commodities,Producers’ access to channels allowing transportation of oil to
    other countries (pipelines and terminals in sea ports) became a natural
    restraint on exports.

    The list of strategically
    important raw commodities was shortened and the institution of special
    exporters was abolished altogether,The system of contracts’ registration
    became the main instrument of control over exports,Individual preferences
    granted to participants of external economic activities were abolished,
    excluding those issued in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

    The law «On State
    Regulation of Foreign Trade» adopted in July came into force in October.
    The law stipulated what authority in this area shall be with the President, the
    Government and the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations,The exclusiveness of
    the MFER’s position was emphasized by the fact that only it was vested with the
    right to license import and export transactions subject to quantitative
    restrictions or to approval procedures.

    As pursuant to the law,
    the Russian Government shall submit a program of foreign trade development
    together with a draft of the Federal budget for the Parliament’s approval.
    Alongside with other provisions this program shall embrace customs tariff rates
    planned for the year in question as well as the band of their possible
    fluctuation, thus making the foreign trade more predictable,The Government has
    the right to introduce export and import quantitative restrictions on national
    security grounds, to comply with international agreements or to protect the
    domestic market, however, these measures shall be announced not less than 3
    months prior to their actual introduction,The law envisages a possibility to
    introduce state monopoly for trade in certain products»